
Navin Associates develops sound, practical research methodologies that lead to substantive reports for policy development and program design.

  • Each methodology involves some combination of focus groups, key informant interviews, on-line and/or paper surveys, community meetings, secondary data, and literature reviews.
  • We utilize the principles of community-based participatory research when appropriate to: enhance data quality and analysis; to build trust between the client and community; and to build capacity.

The following are sample research reports.

Client: Mass. Association for Community Action, Inc. (MASSCAP)

Workforce Needs Assessment: A Report for the MASSCAP Green Ladder Initiative

Client: Downstreet Housing and Community Development, Inc. and Washington County Mental Health Services, Inc.

An Assessment of the Need for Housing with Services for Homeless Youth in Transition, and Related Social and Financial Costs

Client: Mayor’s Office of Fair Housing and Equity, City of Boston

Lead Paint and Families with Young Children: Their Beliefs about Health Risks and Experience of Discrimination

Client: Boston Public Health Commission and Suffolk County House of Correction

The Health-Related Needs of Inmates Exiting the Suffolk County House of Correction

Client: Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates Dental Practice

HVMA Dental Practice Consumer Satisfaction